Who can use the Assessment Tool?

The primary purpose of the Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool is to inform teaching and learning. To use the Assessment Tool we currently expect professional educators to be associated with a group of learners. Consequently access is being made available to organisations who are delivering programmes, rather than independent educators, researchers, or members of the general public.

We understand that the Assessment Tool may be appealing for professional educators who whilst not being associated with a group of learners may be training, preparing curriculum material, and teaching others. However at this point in time access to the Tool is limited to educational organisations and their staff.

How do we arrange access to the Assessment Tool?

To access the Assessment Tool your organisation will need to:

  1. Decide upon an Organisation Administrator and key contact
  2. Complete the Assessment Tool Acceptable Use Agreement
  3. Apply for an Education Sector Logon (ESL) role as an Organisation Administrator of the Assessment Tool. (Note: It may be useful for your organisation to have two or more people with this role.)

In addition your organisation will need to apply for Education Sector Logon Educator role/s for each staff member that will be using the Assessment Tool. (Acceptable Use Agreement and ESL Request forms may be downloaded below.)

What does the Organisation Administrator role involve?

Organisation Administrators are users of the system who have special privileges relating to reporting, viewing users and reports, and creating Organisational Groups. The Organisation Administrator is able to control the access privileges of Educators by creating Organisational Groups and assigning Learners and Educators to them.

Depending upon the type of organisation the Administrator may be a manager, an IT administrator, a department or faculty head or a tutor. Organisations can decide to have more than one person with the rights of an Organisation Administrator in the Assessment Tool.

To help in making your decision, an Organisation Administrator with skills in the following areas would be advantageous:

  • Experience with the export/import features of an organisations Student Management System (SMS)
  • Ability to manipulate learner NSN's, demographic and grouping data in Excel
  • Knowledge of organisations grouping structures for learners
  • A supportive relationship with Educators
  • Expertise in assessment and reporting
  • Expertise in literacy and numeracy

Acceptable Use Agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to clearly state how the Assessment Tool can be used by the organisation and to outline the principles of acceptable use. Maintaining acceptable standards of use will promote confidence and trust in the use of the Tool and the assessment information created by it. It should also be noted that it is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure that the contact details for the key contact are current.

Full details of the data protocols are available for download at the bottom of this page.

The agreement requires the following details:

  • Chief Executive name, email and signature
  • Organisation Name
  • Organisation Number (EDUMIS ID)
  • Organisation Type
  • Name and email of your key contact
  • Name and email of your selected Organisation Administrator

Send a signed Acceptable Use Agreement to:

The Assessment Tool Service Desk
PO Box 3237
Wellington 6140

Email: [email protected]

The Assessment Tool Service Desk will acknowledge receipt of the agreement within 8 business hours of receiving a signed document. Access details will be sent to the nominated key contact and Organisation Administrator within 24 hours. The Acceptable Use Agreement can be downloaded at the foot of this page.

Apply for Education Sector Logon roles for the Assessment Tool

Organisation Administrators and Educators will always be required to log on to the Assessment Tool via Education Sector Logon. Both Organisation Administrators and Educators will also need to submit an Education Sector Logon application to the Ministry of Education to have their Education Sector Logon profile created or updated in instances where an Education Sector Logon profile already exists.

Education Sector Logon forms can be accessed from Education Service Desk here. Completed forms should be sent to the Education Service Desk for processing (contact details on the Education Sector Logon form).

How can I request access to Assessment Tool data for research purposes?

The TEC recognises that there will be interest across the sector in the data gathered through the Assessment Tool. Organisations and/or individuals can express interest in obtaining access to data by submitting an expression of interest. Further information about the access and use of data is available for download below.

Assessment Tool Background and Overview

The Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool is an online adaptive tool primarily designed to provide robust and reliable information on the reading, writing, numeracy and vocabulary skills of adults. This information informs the development of learning interventions that match learners’ needs and strengthen their literacy and numeracy skills. The Assessment Tool also allows learners to track their progress over time and enable educators and organisations to report on the progress made by groups or cohorts of learners. Further overview and background information is available here.