Les Nalder (Administration Manager) and Jess (Tutor) from Kapiti Skills have found the Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool to be an effective way to identify learners literacy, numeracy and vocabulary skills at the beginning of a programme.

As a new tutor at Kapiti Skills, Jess was initially a little nervous about using the Assessment Tool, admitting that she’s not the most ‘tech savvy’ person. However, once she got started Jess found the Tool “surprisingly easy, once I understood what to do it was very straightforward”.

So far the Assessment Tool has been used to diagnose learners’ skills and knowledge at the beginning of their programme. Jess appreciates the reports generated by the Assessment Tool, which are “proving very helpful for teaching” as they provide “reliable information about where the learner is at and what they’re doing”.

Learners have completed reading, numeracy and vocabulary adaptive assessments online where possible. In addition, some learners have completed the writing assessments and Jess has taken advantage of the professional development on the writing assessments offered by the University of Waikato.

Jess has also noted that some learners have found the ability to close the browser and re-enter the assessment code at a later time to finish the assessment extremely useful as well.